Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Going back to this ideas of been quite contemporary, the rave magazine,  gives off a simplistic feel. The costuming of the model is not something that we would go out in but it is still seen as fashionable and attracts the readers attention. The actual writing in which tells us about the contents is very small and almost not important. The way in which it is set in groups, gives the consumer an idea of what category they fall into.

The target audience of  this indie magazine, is very distinct through the look of the models, the stand out outfit and the ditzy zoned look of the model tells us that this mag is for someone who likes to have a good time when they go out. The Raving lovers 

Very much like the Rave mag the Rnb  magazine is not very focused on the writing and more on the look, the model who appears to be naked is solely aimed at women to attract them into wanting to know about who he is and even maybe what page he is on.
The headings of the contents seem like they are aimed at regular buyers, setting them out for people who are in the lingo or part of their group. The 'departments' make us think that these are the regular things, the things that you may not be interested in but are there for your pleasure.
Even though there is little costuming on the model what is on is seen to be very expensive, so despite the fact that he is naked he is still representing his wealth and this appeals once again to the female audience.

 This Rock magazine portrays the ideas of rock well. It is very busy and very in your face from the get go. The 'this week' that follows the contents once again gives this idea of having regular readers and needing to keep them updated. Very much the same as the other mags the writing doesnt seem to be very important at this point and so the photos take the limelight. However the models differ to the others in the way that they have more close up shots that show of the models faces and instruments rather than their bodies. The font of the contents is very distinct, almost like a warning sign of the reader and also a sign to be noticed.
This contents in particular would probably appeal to a male audience, who has very similar interests to the models in which are photographed.

Questionnaire and Profile

1.)  Are you?
      Male Female

2.) How old are you?

3.) Do you read magazines?

4.)  What kind of music do you listen to?
       Hip Hop
       Others (please specify) ________

5.) How often do you buy a music magazine
      Hardly Ever

7.) How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine

 8.) What do you do in your spare time?
     Listen to music
     Other (please specify)____

 9.) What type of social networking site do you prefer?
      I dont use them
     Other (please specify)____

10.) How would you purchase music?

11.) What would you like to see in a music magazine?

Questionnaire Analysis Through my results i found that a lot of young people between the ages of 16-19 tend not to buy music magazines because
1) there is nothing that stands out to make them feel they must purchase the magazine
2) they are too expensive
However they still have a huge interest in music itself they have come to using the internet more rather than reading it from a mag. So the desired affect for my magazine would be to have it online as well as in shops therefore allowing the 'I.T Crowd' to not miss out on the gossip of their favourite music idols. Another factor that i found that the teens of today love is, surprise, surprise FREE STUFF! So to persuade our readers to get a little more involved we would be including things such as competitions, downloads and vouchers that might even entice someone of a different genre of music to be interested!

Readers Profile
RAW magazine is for those people who like to make a subtle statement with their attitude but a loud statement with their fashion. These are the people that always get asked the question, "where did you get that?"
These people love to be the first to have something and to have the latest gossip on the Rnb and Hip Hop celeb's.
These fashion idols normally always have some source of music on them, if its not downloaded on their black berry then its uploading on their iPod.

Their disposable income varies but are always faithful to their favourite magazine RAW, when their cash isnt being spent on that it is on the latest, jeans, caps, bags and shoes.

85% of the consumers of RAW like to socialise and LOVE to party!

Friday, 19 November 2010

For the Rnb Magazine, i decided to choose quite a mellow looking picture yet with a sultry feel. By the picture being in back and white it automatically draws the audience into the audience and the caption. Adding to the genre is the artists pose, it accentuates
 her long arms and legs, therefore giving us an idea of a animal on the prowl. The direct eye contact is very strong yet passionate inticing you to glance.

I decided to keep the font down to a minium and chose the name raw to symbolise this idea of this magazine telling the truth, being raw in its opinion

This type of magazine would be aimed at young black women and men, from 16- 25 mainly because of the slang of the title and the captions on the cover.

My Rock magazine took another look completely, I edited it to give a dark tint reflecting the darkness in her eyes with the light in her hair. The text type that I chose matches the genre of the magazine.

The model on the front cover fits the stereotypical idea of someone involved in a rock genre, the costuming and the prop of the guitar symbolises the focus of this type of music and can therefore appeal to this type of audience

The target audience of this genre would normally be men aged early 20's onwards who take pride in the instruments used in music, rather the words.

Add caption

Finally the Indie magazine came from the idea of being quite modern and contemporary, therefore giving it a blank background with soft colours allows the audiences focus remain on the model who gives colour to the cover.

The font comes across as fun and funky once again associating with the type of music it is trying to portray. The models stance also portrays this idea of being relaxes and free.

The freebies that are offered relate to the age range in which this magazine is aimed at. Teenagers to early twenties, male and female would normally have a interest in this type of genre.